Monday, August 29, 2011

Bon Voyage

Hello Ladies and Gents,

I had a wonderful farewell weekend filled with cocktails, roast lamb and balloons. I was gifted lovely cards and a St Christopher pendent. I had no idea who this saint was let alone who he had on his back. Turns out he is is the Patron Saint of Travel and it was Jesus on his back.
If anyone has got your back Jesus seems to be a pretty good bet.

Anyway, today after the weekend shenanigans it was all last minute emails and phone calls and packing and checking and triple checking and now I am just about to go to bed. It is currently 10:30 pm.

Despite the fact that I am flying out at 3:15 tomorrow afternoon in true Lees fashion we are leaving at 7 am. So it will be the last night I spend in my bed for a while.

I honestly cannot believe that tomorrow I am moving to England for six months. This is something I have been thinking about and working towards for over a decade and it is finally actually happening and that thought alone makes me want to simultaneously jump for joy and burst into tears.

Who knows what tomorrow brings or the week after that. If it involves anything like this flyer or this roomate it is sure to be interesting. But. For now. I just wanted to say Thank You to everyone who has helped me get to where I am, has offered words of wisdom, gifts and cards and catch ups. I love you all. Thank you so, so very much.

Sweet dreams darlings.
Tomorrow the adventures begin!

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